Analysis of viticulture region climate structure and suitability in New Zealand
Aims: This research analyzes four climate indices derived from gridded, interpolated data to assess New Zealand’s climate structure and variation among wine regions.
Methods and results: High resolution gridded data based on 1971-2000 climate normals was used to characterize climate indices depicting viticultural suitability in a geographic information system. The statistical properties of each index were assessed over 21 New Zealand viticulture regions. The results show predominately cool to moderately warm climate suitability in New Zealand, comparable to many European and United States regions. While many viticulture regions have one primary class of suitability, variability of climate within regions can be significant, with some regions containing two to four climate classes, making them suitable for a greater range of cultivars.
Conclusion: While the indices depict broad patterns expected over New Zealand, both within and between region variations can be substantial among the indices. However, two indices, Growing Season Average Temperature (GST) and Growing Degree-Days (GDD), are functionally identical, but GST is easier to calculate and overcomes many methodological issues in GDD.
Significance and impact of the study: This research provides the basis for evaluating general suitability for viticulture in New Zealand, assists comparisons between viticulture regions in New Zealand and worldwide, and offers growers measures of assessing appropriate cultivars and sites.