Plantevin, M.; Thibon, C.; Barbe, J.-C.; Tempère, S.; Blandeau, S.; Lecourt, J.; Dijsktra, L.; Lytra, G.; Darriet, P.; van Leeuwen, C. Identifying the Boundaries of the Sensory Space of Red Bordeaux Wines Using an Innovative Machine Learning Approach. Application to the Identification of New Varieties Adapted to Climate change.: This Article Is Published in Cooperation With OENO Macrowine 2023 (12th International Symposium of Oenology of Bordeaux and 9th International Macrowine conference), July 10–13 2023, Bordeaux, France. Guest Editors: Philippe Darriet, Pierre-Louis Teissedre and Stéphanie Marchand-Marion. OENO One 2024, 58.