Original research articles

Differenciation of clones of varieties of grapevines that are traditionally cultivated in NW Spain (Galicia) and elaboration of determination key for application of philometric measures


Application of philometric methods in the differentiation between clones of the varieties of grapevines that are traditionally cultivated in Galicia (NW Spain) has been studied. Our aims is to work whith a number of leafparameters as large as possible to ensure differences among clones.

Experimental measurements have been obtained using Computer Techniques (ROMANI et al., 1993). They have been analyzed by commercial statistic package using of Discrimination Analysis (SAS Statistical Programme). We have to establish separation at clone level for each variety, by means of using certain discrimination parameters which allow us to elaborate determination keys. The parameters which best explain the differences between the clones would be the shape and size of the dentation, leaf bosoms and the whole leaf in general


Nuria Cid Álvarez

Affiliation : Estación de Viticultura y Enología de Galicia. Leiro Ourense (Spain)

Jean-Michel Boursiquot

Affiliation : UMR 1097, DIAPC, INRA – Montpellier SupAgro, Équipe « Diversité, Génétique et Génomique Vigne », place Viala, 34060 Montpellier, France

Luis Romani Martinez


Affiliation : Facultad de Ciencias de Orense, Universidad de Vigo, 32004 Orense (Spain)

María del Pilar Saa-Otero

Affiliation : Universidad de Vigo, Facultad de Ciencias de Ourense, Ed. Politécnico, Las Lagunas, 32004 Ourense (Spain)


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