How to submit a review?
- Registering with the OENO one, vine and wine open access journal
To register as a reviewer:
- Click on “Register ” to start the registration process.
- You must enter (1) a username, (2) a password, (3) your first name, (4) your last name, and (5) your e-mail address. Please choose a username and password that are easy for you to remember.
- Please also enter the other information requested (mailing address, phone and fax, areas of interest) to provide us with a complete record. Please be sure to include a complete list of your interest areas to enable the editor to assign you manuscripts that address these topics.
- Check the box to register as “Reviewer: Willing to conduct peer review of submissions to this journal,” and click on the “Register” button.
Once registered, you can log in at any time with your username and password.
- Registered reviewers who wish to submit a manuscript
If you are registered in OJS as a reviewer for OENO one and you would like to submit a manuscript, please e-mail us at OJS does not enable users to easily add new roles (e.g., a “reviewer” cannot add the role of “author” to her/his profile), but our staff can make that change. Please do not create a new user account (by entering a new username and e-mail address).
- Submitting your review feedback through the OJS Site
- When the editor selects you to review a new submission, you will receive an e-mail notification. This notice will include the manuscript for review as an attachment and will specify the due date for submitting the review.
- When you are ready to submit your review, log in with your username and password. Access the review page by clicking the link to log in as a “Reviewer”.
- Under review Steps, click the envelope icon next to “Will do the review” at Step 1. Tip: You will not be able to complete subsequent steps until you have clicked the “Will do the review” icon.
- Click on the page icon labeled “Review” under Step 4 and enter your comments to the author and the editor in the pop-up window. (Note that comments entered in the “to editor” box will not be forwarded to authors; comments in the “to author and editor” are not immediately accessible to authors, but are in most cases forwarded in their entirety to authors by the editor.) Click “Save.” When finished, click “Close.” Tip: An oddity in OJS is that once you’ve entered your comments in the box, you must first click the “Save” button and then click the “Close” button to successfully submit your review.
- Step 5 gives you the option of uploading files (for example, if you prefer to upload the document containing your review feedback rather than copy-and-paste these comments into the box at Step 4). Click on “Browse” to locate the review file on your computer, and click “Upload” to submit the file. Tip: It is not sufficient to choose the file and save and continue. You must also click “Upload” to upload the submission.
- Finally, select a recommendation for the submission from the drop-down list, which contains the following options: “Accept Submission”, “Revisions Required (conditional accept)”, “Resubmit for Review (revise and resubmit)" and “Decline Submission”.
Send your review feedback and recommendation to the editor by clicking “Submit Review to Editor”. This feedback goes to OENO one staff only; it is not provided directly to the author.
If your review of a manuscript has not been received by the due date, you will receive a reminder. Please inform journal staff immediately if you are unable to undertake the review of a submission for any reason, so that another reviewer can be assigned.