The International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) is a non-profit association dedicated to viticulture and enology. Founded in 2017 by a group of leading universities and research institutes, it aims to make the results of scientific research in this field freely available for researchers and professionals in the field of vine and wine. To make this possible, IVES publishes its three journals (OENO One, IVES Technical Reviews
and IVES Conference Series) on free online publishing platforms independent of private publishers. It already gathers 34 members and it is supported by 39 private partners, 9 institutional partners and 4 high visibility partners.

IVES’ three journals are editorially independent of its private partners.

About OENO One

OENO One is the online research journal published by IVES. The journal was founded in 2016, replacing the Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin after almost 50 years of existence. It is a peer-reviewed Open Access research journal, among the best in the field, and has an editorial board of highly respected editors and associate editors, covering a broad range of areas in viticulture and enology.

OENO One philosophy is Open Access. The journal does not charge publication fees to authors and is also free for readers.

OENO One has received an Impact Factor (IF) of 2.2 in June 2024.

The editorial board put great effort in providing rapid review and publication time, with an average delay of four months between the submission and the publication of an article. Every year, around 100 articles are published online. In December 2022, the acceptance rate was 53 %.

About the OENO One platform

OENO One is based on a real-time open source publishing platform, allowing online submission and tracking of manuscripts for authors, associate editors and reviewers. The editorial team is based in Europe and is highly responsive. IVES believes that communication between people remains essential. Behind IVES publishing platform there is a team of dedicated men and women available at all times. 

The platform was developed and is updated by OJS (PKP). It is hosted by the University of Bordeaux.

OENO One acknowledges the prior rights of the European Union trademark eno-one registered in the name of Eno-One Srl, an Italian company located in Reggio Emilia, Italy. OENO One and Eno-One Srl are not linked nor associated companies. Eno-One Srl (, is an Italian publisher company founded in 2002 with the aim of publishing scientific-technical works in the viticulture, oenological and food industry.