Original research articles
L'acide abscissique dans les différentes catégories de pépins de deux cépages, l'Ugni blanc et le Cabernet Sauvignon (1)
Received : 21 April 1981;
Accepted :
31 May 1981;
Published : 30 June 1981
Seven seed categories of more than 10.000 berries were studied. The abscisic acid content depends on both the number of seeds per berry and their localisation in the locules of the ovary. The classification of the seven categories based on their abscisic acid contents was always the same regardless of the year, the grape variety and the placement of the grape bunch on the vine-shoot.
(1) Communication présentée à : The International Centennial Symposium of Viticulture and Enology ; University of California. Davis. 1980.