Original research articles

Action de la température sur la différenciation des inflorescences et des fleurs durant les phases de pré-débourrement et de post-débourrement des bourgeons latents de la vigne


Temperature exerts an important effect on the differentiation and development of flower organs during pre-bursting and post-bursting phases of latent buds. For MERLOT and CABERNET-SAUVIGNON varieties, the inflorescence mean number per shoot is higher at 25° C than at 12° C ; on the other hand, the flower mean number per inflorescence is lower. It follows that, in comparison with the temperature of 25° C, the flower mean number per shoot at 12° C is increased by 17,9 p. 100 for MERLOT and by 74,8 p. 100 for CABERNET-SAUVIGNON.


Roger Pouget


Affiliation : Station de Recherches de Viticulture, Centre INRA de Bordeaux, B.P. 81,33883 Villenave-d'Ornon cedex (France)


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