Original research articles
Possible relationship between aggressiveness of two Eutypa lata isolates and their polyamines and abscisic acid content
Received : 15 September 1997;
Accepted :
25 September 1997;
Published : 30 September 1997
By HPLC analysis, we showed that myceliums of two Eutypa lata isolates cultivated in Enikson and Petersson medium culture synthesized polyamines (Putrescine, Spermidine and Spermine) and abscisic acid (ABA).
ln this medium, myceliums of high virulent isolate (BXI-IO) produced fewer polyamines than less virulent isolate (BX 1-5) while inverse phenomenon was observed for ABA content. The two growth regulators were diffused in medium culture in which their levels increase with age of mycelium. In the end, variations of PA and ABA in myceliums show antagonist effect of the two growth regulators in Eutypa lata fungi.