30 June 2016
Original research articles
Berry pericarp ontogenesis from fertilization to maturity of Vitis vinifera L. var Merlot
Vol. 31 No. 3 (1997): Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin
Study of spatial distribution of Empoasca vitis goethe (Homoptera, Typhlocybidae) and contribution for sampling. 1 - Distribution on vinestock
Vol. 31 No. 3 (1997): Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin
Firmness and grape berry maturation. Definition of different rheological parameters during the ripening
Vol. 31 No. 3 (1997): Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin
Acids and buffers in wine
Vol. 31 No. 3 (1997): Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin
Possible relationship between aggressiveness of two Eutypa lata isolates and their polyamines and abscisic acid content
Vol. 31 No. 3 (1997): Journal international des sciences de la vigne et du vin