Limiting factors for Vitis vinifera L., Albariño variety production in soils dedicated to the vineyard single-crop system
With the purpose of studying the influence of Vitis vinifera L. (Albariño variety) single-crop system on the limiting edaphic factors for the grape production four plots dedicated to this single-crop during 6, 12, and 100 years were selected. The most usual limitations for the chemical fertility are the low CECe in the youngest vineyards (<4 cmol+).kg-1 and 4-7 cmol(+).kg-1 in the rest) and the low contents of Mg in sixty per cent of the surface samples and 90 % of the subsurface ones and deficit of Ca in 90 % of the subsurface samples (0.96 cmol. kg-1). It is remarkable also the Fe deficit in ail the samples and the Cu and Zn excess in the surface layer of the oldest vineyards. It is evident the presence of DDT and its metabolites (DDD and DDE) in the youngest vineyards, though in low quantifies.