Original research articles

Influence de la carence ou de l'excès de fer apporté par voie foliaire sur la composition minérale et biochimique, et sur les paramètres de la production de vignes chlorotiques


Application of iron based foliar sprays to chloritic wines can augment, sometimes very greatly, the iron concentration is the leaf blade. Resulting in a reduction in the concentration of macroelements and in some phytotoxicity due to an excess of non metabolizable iron.

At the same time, the concentration of amino acids and notably of proline (stress index) is increased. The application of these foliar sprays was insufficient to resolve cases of iron chlorisis.


M. Fregoni


Affiliation : Chaire de Viticulture - Université Catholique, Piacenza (Italie)

M. Boselli

Affiliation : Cattedra di Viticoltura, Università Cattolica S.C., Piacenza (Italie)

C. Bartoletti

Affiliation : Chaire de Viticulture - Université Catholique, Piacenza (Italie)

G. Dorotea

Affiliation : Chaire de Viticulture - Université Catholique, Piacenza (Italie)


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