Aroma compounds of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir grown in central Anatolia
Free and glycosidically bound aroma compounds of Emir grape juice obtained with or without skincontact were investigated. The aroma compounds were isolated by adsorbtion on Amberlite XAD-2 resin and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 32 free and 37 glycosidically bound compounds were identified. - Shikimate - derived compounds were major components. C13-norisoprenoid compounds usually detected in bound forms in grapes were also present in free forms in Emir grape. Monoterpenes were in lower levels that normally found in floral grape cultivars. The amounts of free and bound aroma compounds of the juice increased by skin-contact treatment. The levels of some compounds were significantly different in control and skin-contact jices. Additionally, skin-contact treatment resulted in an increase in pH, colour intensity, total phenolics, potassium, sodium and calcium.